Poverty ‘down’, but not the hungry
Responding to the article 'Poverty down, but not the hungry, we can read in the article is that poverty in India declined, but not with the' hungry ', let's face it, calories declined from 2153 kcal per person per day in 1993-94 to 2020 in 2009-10 in rural areas and from 2071 to 1946 Kcal in urban areas according to a report from the National Sample survey Organisation (NSSO), based on a survey of 66 rounds. Even between 2004-05 and 2009-10, calorie intake per person per day declined from 2047 to 2020 in rural areas and from 2020 to 1946 in urban areas. This may raise questions about the reported decline in poverty as claimed by the Planning Commission. So also with protein and fat.
Thus, there must be the cause of all that, and in fact, what causes poverty in India so widespread?
Thus, there must be the cause of all that, and in fact, what causes poverty in India so widespread?
Rapidly Rising Population:
The population during the last 45 years has increased at the rate of 2.2%
per annum. On average 17 million people are added every year to its population
which raises the demand for consumption goods considerably.
Low Productivity in Agriculture:
The level of productivity in agriculture is low due to subdivided and fragmented
holdings, lack of capital, use of traditional methods of cultivation,
illiteracy etc. This is the main cause of poverty in the country.
Under Utilized Resources:
The existence of under employment and disguised unemployment of human
resources and under utilization of resources has resulted in low production in
agricultural sector. This brought a down fall in their standard of living.
Low Rate of Economic Development:
The rate of economic development in India has been below the required level.
Therefore, there persists a gap between level of availability and requirements
of goods and services. The net result is poverty.
Price Rise:
The continuous and steep price rise has added to the miseries of poor. It
has benefited a few people in the society and the persons in lower income group
find it difficult to get their minimum needs.
The continuously expanding army of unemployed is another cause of poverty.
The job seeker is increasing in number at a higher rate than the expansion in
employment opportunities.
Shortage of Capital and Able Entrepreneurship:
Capital and able entrepreneurship have important role in accelerating the
growth. But these are in short supply making it difficult to increase
production significantly.
Social Factors:
The social set up is still backward and is not conducive to faster
development. Laws of inheritance, caste system, traditions and customs are
putting hindrances in the way of faster development and have aggravate"
the problem of poverty.
Political Factors:
The Britishers started lopsided development in India and reduced Indian
economy to a colonial state. They exploited the natural resources to suit their
interests and weaken the industrial base of Indian economy.
To solve poverty is not easy, but if the above matters can be resolved, then most likely be solved poverty and hunger can be addressed as well. However, it is most difficult to change is, of caste, caste differences that include India's largest contributor in his poverty, so that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. Thus my response on that article, I hope to will be use full, amin.
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